Berber Carpet: The Ideal Choice for Durable and Affordable Flooring

dreamweaver berber carpet | Flooring Direct

Berber carpet is experiencing a resurgence in popularity, thanks to its exceptional durability, affordability, and low maintenance requirements. This heavy textile is gaining traction as homeowners are increasingly drawn to its many benefits. If you’re considering berber carpet for your home, it’s important to understand its unique characteristics and weigh its pros and cons. A…

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Experience the Transformation of New Carpet and Installation in Frisco, TX

Flooring Direct New Carpet and Installation Picture in Frisco, Texas | Flooring Direct

Are you thinking of upgrading your DFW home with new flooring but struggling to visualize the before-and-after impact of wall-to-wall carpeting? Check out Flooring Direct’s latest installation job in the picturesque city of Frisco, TX. Frisco consistently tops the charts for fastest-growing and best-quality-of-living in the nation, and it’s no surprise why. The neighborhoods are…

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Carpet and Installation in Mansfield Texas

Flooring Direct New Carpet and Installation Picture in Mansfield, Texas | Flooring Direct

Installing new carpet can be a great way to upgrade the look and feel of your home, and the process can be made even smoother with a little bit of preparation. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the steps involved in a carpet installation project and share some before and after…

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A Heavy Weight Carpet at a Heavily Discounted Price

Flooring Direct Phenix Mirage Carpet Microban swatch sample | Flooring Direct

Looking for an affordable way to enhance the comfort and style of your home? Look no further than Flooring Direct’s incredible in-stock special on Phenix Mirage Carpet! At just $5.45 per square foot with a Spillblock Pad, Installed, this carpet provides the perfect blend of durability and luxury, making it an excellent choice for any…

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We don’t raise our prices to give you Fake Sales!

Don't be Fooled by Fake Sales | Flooring Direct

Don’t Be Fooled by our competitors that make offers of “72% off”, “Buy one room, get two free,” but are only raising their seasonal prices and quoting you the same old thing for the same total price! In today’s marketplace, it’s not uncommon for retailers to offer sales and discounts to attract customers. However, some…

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Can Flooring Affect Your Home’s Energy Efficiency?

Flooring | Flooring Direct

Yes, if your goal is to feel more comfortable and lower your energy costs, then choosing the right flooring can help. However, the more we discover about energy efficiency, the more complicated things become. It’s easy to be overwhelmed and confused enough to abandon your goal. Stick with it. Being more comfortable while you save…

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The Best Bedroom Flooring for Peaceful Living

Master bedroom interior | Flooring Direct

Perhaps there is no such thing as truly peaceful living, but you can find the perfect flooring to make your bedroom your own sanctuary! There are literally thousands of options for your bedroom floor. The key is to identify a list of what you like and then whittle it down to a few recommendations based…

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Does Carpet Padding Really Matter?

Living room soft rug | Flooring Direct

Yes, indeed. Carpet padding matters more than most people realize. It’s not their fault. It’s easier to focus on the many types of carpet available. Whether you’re keen on a thinner style of Berber carpet, or the luxurious feel of a thick pile plush, many of us will make the choice based on what we…

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What is the Carpet Installation Process?

Man rolling carpet for installation | Flooring Direct

  Smart and careful shoppers always research and compare when they are buying carpets. Trouble is, no matter how much time you spend picking out the perfect carpet for your home, the carpet installation process is where it can go all wrong. Your subfloor may need preparation, the under pad you chose may be inadequate,…

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What Are the Benefits of Tile Flooring?

Flooring | Flooring Direct

  Archeologists have found evidence that tile flooring has been around for at least 6,000 years, going back to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, or modern-day Iran. And some believe the Chinese developed the skills to produce ceramic pots and other ceramic items almost 20,000 years ago. If you’re lucky enough to have seen any of…

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Our Picks For Best Texas Desert Flooring Solutions

Best Texas Desert Flooring Solutions | Flooring Direct

  Looking for the best flooring for Texas desert conditions? You’ve come to the right place. We’re going to explain some of the things you need to know about the Texas climate and how it can affect your flooring material choices.   Everyone loves carpeting, but . . . A lot of Texas is dry,…

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The Process of Shopping Flooring From Home

Woman shopping on her laptop for flooring options | Flooring Direct

If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the last couple of years, it’s that we can do a lot more from home than we thought we could. Shopping online is one of them. All the flooring options you could ever want are accessible from your laptop or your smartphone. By the way, it doesn’t even…

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Why is Carpet the Most Popular Type of Flooring?

Soft rug | Flooring Direct

  Yay — Carpet wins! It’s a fact. Carpet is our favorite flooring here in America. Carpet and rugs have been around for thousands of years. Experts estimate the first-hand knotted rugs were made over 10,000 years ago at the dawn of the Neolithic Age. Archeologists have found one hand-knotted oriental rug in Siberia that’s…

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What Styles of Carpet Exist & What’s The Right Choice?

Carpet samples | Flooring Direct

How exciting! Carpeting can dramatically improve the look and comfort of your home. There are so many different styles, designs, textures, colors, materials, and levels of quality. There are also regional differences in carpet preferences that may influence your decision. This article will explore some of the important questions you should ask yourself about the…

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What is the Best Pet Friendly Flooring?

Cute dog and cat, cuddling on a vinyl floors | Flooring Direct

The absolute best pet friendly flooring would be wall to wall stainless steel with a gigantic floor drain and power washers everywhere for some pet owners. For others, they might prefer lush green artificial grass everywhere and a staff of pooper scooper attendants on call. Sound ridiculous? Maybe a little but the best pet friendly…

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